‘Outside the box’ thinking about pressure injury prevention.
Do you sometimes feel confused about pressure injury prevention?
Are you faced with having to read hundreds of pages of Guidelines, using time-consuming risk screening tools for every patient, then not knowing which alternating pressure air mattress to order, or worse still being told you don’t need a mattress – just keep repositioning the patient – and we know that won’t work.
Well you’re not alone…so let me make it easy for you. I know I am very ‘outside the box’ when it comes to common and recommended practice for pressure injury prevention, but I would rather be a …………..**
Find out what by clicking on this link below or copy and paste it into your browser
Feel free to share it with your colleagues. Check out my books on pressure injury prevention – you’ll see these when you click on the link above and read the article – and you’ll be able to click straight to the books.
Let me know what you’re doing in your workplace and what you think.
Email me at info@thewoundcentre.com
Kate 🙂