A tip to keep sacral hydrocolloids in place.

For years nurses have complained about the sacral hydrocolloids ‘rolling up’ and having to be changed. They may be rolling up because the edge of the dressing has stuck to the draw sheet or the patients’ gown or pyjamas. They stick to some fabrics because the edge of the hydrocolloid dressing is tacky and does tend to pull, or crinkle and roll up. I think most manufacturers’ have, of course, attempted to rectify this by making borders that are much thinner than the centre part of the dressing. Therefore the tacky surface is thinner too.

But once the dressing has rolled up you really must change it. This can be an expensive and unnecessary exercise especially when hydrocolloid dressings are designed to stay on for several days.

A tip to save you $$$’s!

I’m sure you all know that the warmth of your hands will help a hydrocolloid dressing adhere to the patients skin. Once the dressing is applied you need to press all over the hydrocolloid, gently with the palms of your hands, for several minutes.

Now that the hydrocolloid is firmly adherent to the patients skin, you can stop it sticking to the sheets or pyjamas by smearing some moisturiser or talcum powder (just a fingertip full) all around the edge of the dressing. This will take away that sticky edge completely.

This is just one of many little wound care tips I have learnt over the years. A great inspiration and source of knowledge for me, has come from members of the Wound Care Association of New South Wales (WCANSW) Inc. For those of you who live in Australia it is easy to phone committee members if you need advice or want to join the Association. For those of you who live overseas you can email any of the committee or when you visit Australia one day you could tie your holiday in with a conference!! Log on to the WCANSW Inc. website and find out more!

About Kate Sharp


2 Responses to “A tip to keep sacral hydrocolloids in place.”
  1. Mavrick says:

    Now I know who the brainy one is, I’ll keep looking for your posts.

  2. Laicee says:

    When you think about it, that’s got to be the right aswner.

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